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СБП6КРМІ2У - 230В - 50 - 60 Гц - CSA - EN 60950 - ГОСТ - IEC 60950 - IEC 60950 - UL 1778 - -20 - 50° C - -40 - 65° C - 0 - 95%

EAN: 731304212614
Номер деталі: SBP6KRMI2U
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СБП6КРМІ2У - 230В - 50 - 60 Гц - CSA - EN 60950 - ГОСТ - IEC 60950 - IEC 60950 - UL 1778 - -20 - 50° C - -40 - 65° C - 0 - 95%



Номер деталі:


Ідеальні рішення для вашого бізнесу
Ми знайдемо оптимальне рішення для вашого бізнесу. Наші спеціалісти з продажу та передпродажного сервісу щодня підбирають товари та послуги для наших клієнтів
Експрес-доставка обладнання по всьому світу
Ми гарантуємо своєчасну доставку вашого обладнання, де б ви не знаходилися. Ми працюємо з глобальними партнерами, щоб оптимізувати нашу логістику
Гарантуємо підтримку у впровадженні
Ми пропонуємо підтримку у впровадженні рішень у вашому бізнесі. Наші кваліфіковані інженери допоможуть вам ефективно управляти інфраструктурою
Клієнт на першому місці
Наші фахівці з повернення обладнання швидко та ефективно обробляють скарги та замінюють обладнання, щоб ваш бізнес працював безперебійно

APC AP7921B Power Distribution Unit (PDU) 8 AC Outlet(s) 0U/1U Black

Rack PDU, Switched, 1U, 16A, 208/230V, (8)C13

This APC Switched Rack PDU power distribution unit has a wide range of standardized PDU features that increase network efficiency, manageability and functionality. The output and input connections are (8)C13. Network management capabilities allow you to configure and manage rack PDUs from remote locations. It has has a local current monitoring display that gives a visible warning in case of an overload. The remote individual outlet control provides real-time monitoring of connected loads. It has a multi-tier user access that enables you to restrict unauthorized use of outlets. This rack has a single input power source making it easy to install.

Includes: Installation guide, Rack mounting brackets, User manual

APC AP7921B Power Distribution Unit (PDU) 8 AC Outlet(s) 0U/1U Black

Flash Upgradeable

Quickly and easily upgrade firmware via network download for future product enhancements. Eliminates the need to replace products already installed in the field when new features are released. (Note: Networked units only)


Includes horizontal, vertical, and toolless-mount varieties. Puts power where it is needed most - in the racks near the equipment.

Single input power source

Supply power from one branch whip to multiple pieces of equipment, conveniently powering rack-mount equipment. Saves time and money during installation by using one branch whip and standard connections.

Wide range of input and output connections

Product family includes a variety of input and output connections to distribute 120V, 208V, or 230V power to multiple outlets. Having a variety of inputs and outputs allow users to adapt to varying power requirements. APC offers units that bring up to 17.3kW using a single branch whip.

Multi-tier user access

Supports up to four access levels - Administrator, Device User, Read-Only User and Network-only User - with user name and password requirements.

Network Management Capabilities

Full-featured network management interfaces that provide standards-based management via Web, SNMP, and Telnet. Allows users to access, configure, and manage rack PDUs from remote locations to save valuable time. Associated with this feature is the ability to quickly and easily upgrade the firmware via network download to installed units for future product enhancements.

Enhanced Cybersecurity

9000 series PDUs include APC Network Management card with security features including secured interfaces and a modified password policy providing peace of mind.

Gigabit Ethernet Connectivity

9000 series PDUs provide Gigabit Ethernet to enhance and standardize network connectivity across all assets in the data center. All other models provide 10/100 ethernet connectivity.

Outlet Level Grouping

Outlet power sequencing can be configured to group any combination of outlets to power up or down together providing flexibility.

Network Port Sharing

Connect and manage multiple PDUs from one IP address to simplify and speed deployment while saving the cost required in having a dedicated network connection for each PDU. Manage up to 32 PDUs with 9000 series and up to 4 PDUs with 8000 series.

Alarm Thresholds

Define alarm thresholds in order to avoid overloaded circuits. Network and visual alarms inform the user of possible problems.

EcoStruxure IT Ready

Seamless integration of one or many PDUs including alerts and control with EcoStruxure IT. Allows IT and data center professionals to monitor and manage all of their critical IT infrastructure on-premise, in the cloud, and at the edge from anywhere.

1% Metering Accuracy

Providing the same level of accuracy as a utility company meter by adhering to IEC 62053-21 class 1, 1% metering accuracy provides peace of mind to use these PDUs to bill based on power usage. In addition, the higher level of accuracy ensures the most precise measures for capacity planning and threshold alarm monitoring. Available on 9000 series PDUs.

Alarm Thresholds

Define alarm thresholds in order to avoid overloaded circuits. Network and visual alarms inform the user of possible problems.

High Retention Outlets

With no special power cords required, high retention outlets provide up to twice the holding force to reduce risk of accidental disconnect on 9000 series PDUs.

60C Operating Temperature

All 8000 and 9000 series PDUs now provide the ability to operate in a maximum ambient air temperature of 60C (140F) at full load ensuring reliability and availability even in today's high density deployments. Other models allow up to 45C (113F).

Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers

Provide increased availability by maintaining trip current over a wide temperature range.

C13/C15 and C19/C21 Hybrid Outlets

Available on select 9000 series PDUs only, Industry 1st hybrid outlets allow 60C operating temperature at full load, are fully compatible with standard C14 and C20 power cords, and are future proofed for implementation of higher temperature rated devices requiring C16 and C21 power cords.

Field-replaceable NMC

Integrated Network Management Card/Display Module can be replaced in the field to minimize downtime disruption in the unlikely event of a failure.

APC AP7921B Power Distribution Unit (PDU) 8 AC Outlet(s) 0U/1U Black
APC AP7921B Power Distribution Unit (PDU) 8 AC Outlet(s) 0U/1U Black

Additional Product Notes

  1. Rack Height: 1U
  2. Output Connections: (8) IEC 60320 C13
  3. Nominal Output Voltage: 208V, 230V
  4. Nominal Input Voltage: 200V, 208V, 230V
  5. Input Connections: IEC 60320 C20
  6. Cord Length: 2.5meters
AC outlets quantity Power plug AC outlet types Input connection type Nominal input voltage AC input frequency Maximum current Nominal output voltage Load capacity Cable length Sustainability certificates
8 AC outlet(s) C20 coupler C13 coupler IEC-320 C20 200-230 V 50 - 60 Hz 16 A 208-230 V 3680 VA 2.5 m RoHS

Інструкція (PDF):

Технічні характеристики
Зовнішні умови
Діапазон робочих температур  Діапазон робочих температур
-20 - 50 °C
показати більше
Діапазон відносної вологості при експлуатації 
0 - 95%
показати більше
Вага та розміри
Вага  Вага
11,4 кг
показати більше
SKU: 1000059
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